2022 EST Mid-Year Market Conference Held Successfully

On July 20, Ningbo EST Technology Co., Ltd. held the 2022 Mid-Year Market Conference at the new base. More than 100 people attended the meeting. This meeting was chaired by Zhou Zewei, Assistant Director of Sales and Service Management Department. The meeting focused on the product line work in the first half of 2022 and the semi-annual work of the Sales and Service Management Department to report and exchange comments.

Report Work and Comment Exchange

At the end of the meeting, General Manager Xia Qinghua gave a speech. He pointed out that the current market demand is declining and industry competition is intensifying. We must uphold our original intention to provide customers with competitive solutions and help customers create value. He emphasized that we must adhere to the bright spots. For the work in the second half of the year, we must work together to strengthen communication and coordination and jointly write a new chapter for EST!