EST iLink Cloud Factory IMM Networking Solution Won The Second Place

On the afternoon of March 9, 2022, Huawei Cloud Ningbo Innovative Application Developer Competition was held in Ningbo Innovation Harbor. A total of 11 Ningbo outstanding teams participated in this competition. The contestants' creative solutions covering food, clothing, housing and transportation are eye-catching.

After fierce competition, Ningbo EST Technology Co., Ltd.'s iLink cloud factory IMM networking solution won the second place.

EST's iLink cloud factory IMM networking solution is proposed based on the background of Industry 4.0, using the Internet of Things information system to digitize and intelligentize the supply, manufacturing, and sales information in production. Finally to achieve a fast, effective, and personalized products supply. 

iLink cloud factory adopts EST's unique intelligent manufacturing application system. It is dedicated to the presentation and analysis of all aspects of information in the plastic factory workshop. Also it has many features such as production control, equipment monitoring, abnormal traceability, product analysis, and intelligent decision-making.

The iLink cloud factory IMM networking solution is highly marketable and technically innovative start from the dimension of cost reduction and efficiency increase. In the future, EST will continue to explore the industrial internet business.